Let's FOX-ify Your Back-Office!
FREE Resources for Nonprofits and Social Enterprises
Our team at Blue Fox is passionate about empowering nonprofit and social enterprise leaders! Here are some free resources that will save you time AND professionalize your back-office. Let's take your operations to next-level efficient status! Need help with implementation? Schedule time with our Chief of Client Happiness for personalized of coaching and guidance.
The Savvy Switching Payroll Providers ChecklistIs your organization hiring a payroll provider for the first time? Or maybe you're switching to a new payroll company? Our team at Blue Fox created this handy checklist to help your team strategize and prepare for a seamless payroll service migration. Be sure to check off each and every item so that your employees are paid on time, and you avoid future tax/compliance headaches.
Your team and tax preparer will thank you! |
Data Breach and Bank Fraud ProtocolIn the digital age we live in today, bank account fraud is all too common. Hackers are increasingly sophisticated and aggressive in their cyber-attacks. What might start as a ‘simple’ looking scam email can easily turn into a devastating case of bank fraud over time. If you are the victim of bank fraud, you MUST ACT QUICKLY to prevent a catastrophic turn of events for your cash on hand. To help you do that, we’ve put together this recommended protocol for you based on our experiences and the expert advice of cyber-security specialists.
Awesome Audit Readiness Checklist So, your nonprofit’s about to be audited – don’t panic! Our squad at Blue Fox created this comprehensive checklist to help your team prepare for a smooth audit process. We encourage you think about the audit as a proactive management tool (not a huge thorn in your side). The auditor’s findings will in fact provide actionable insights on how to improve your back office and financial management practices. Bonus: implement the advice on our checklist and become a better financial steward even before the audit starts. (Your donors will like the sound of that!)
Ultimate Financial Checklist for Nonprofit FundraisersNonprofits everywhere equate fundraising with tireless event planning, digital crowdfunding, relationship building, and writing grants. But we would offer that before your staff gets to work, the finance and development teams should have a solid understanding of the organization’s financial position. That information can help light a fire with the staff and board, shape your giving goals, and inform the messaging of your appeals. So, we put together this handy checklist to help you get your financial house in order before you launch your next fundraising initiative. We’re pretty sure this is the first list of its kind – so enjoy and let us know how we can help!
The Magical Nonprofit Financial Ratio MatrixDust off those financial statements and put them to work! Our team at Blue Fox created The Magical Nonprofit Financial Ratio Matrix to help your organization measure its financial health against industry standards. So, how do you measure up? What are the red flags for each ratio? Is your organization in a strong, healthy, sustainable position? Let’s start crunching those numbers!
10 Reasons to Outsource Your Nonprofit AccountingNonprofit organizations are famous for running lean when it comes to budget. But gone are the days of sacrificing service quality for cost. Here’s the secret (and it’s not so secret anymore). It’s outsourcing. A way for nonprofits to maintain control of costs AND benefit from high quality financial management. With advanced cloud-based systems and virtual technology, outsourced financial services are more affordable and attainable than ever for nonprofits. It's a win, win!
5 Key Elements You Need in Your Operating Reserves PolicyAn Operating Reserves Policy is not merely a document required by bylaws. It's an important nonprofit management tool that can be leveraged to build organizational sustainability. We recommend that every useful policy contain 5 key elements. Download our free guide and ask yourself the right questions!
T-Accounts Cheat SheetESSENTIAL DESKTOP GUIDE FOR BOOKKEEPERS: T-Accounts are a visual representation of the fundamental concepts of double-entry accounting. If you're a bookkeeper or controller, you're no stranger to the double-entry system. But if you don't have formal accounting training, it can be tough to remember what goes where when you're making a journal entry adjustment to the books. Grab this quick cheat sheet, complete with a pneumonic helper! The more you refer to this in the short term, the more it will get locked into your brain!
Get By With A Little Help From Our Friends...
Meet some of our friends and check out the helpful information and resources they provide for nonprofits and social enterprise organizations.
If it’s time to level up your organization, start browsing below!
If it’s time to level up your organization, start browsing below!
Nonprofit FocusBeth Kanter's Blog
Council of Nonprofits DO MORE GOOD GuideStar Incorporation & Legal Structure Independent Sector Nonprofit AF Nonprofit Hub Nonprofit Learning Lab The Chronicle of Philanthropy Technology |
Social EnterpriseFundraisingCybersecurity |
Board LeadershipBoardSource
Council on Foundations National Association of Corporate Directors Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Marketing |
Operations / HRVolunteerism |